About Cradily
Cradily’s body serves as an anchor, preventing it from being washed away in rough seas. This Pokémon secretes a strong digestive fluid from its tentacles. It ensnares prey with its eight tentacles. It then melts the prey with a strong acid before feeding. It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide goes out, it digs up prey from beaches.
Pokédex entry #346
Cradily Evolution
Cradily in Pokémon GO
It's possible to hatch Cradily from an egg?
No, Cradily can't be hatched.
Which are Cradily’s strengths and weaknesses?
Cradily is a grass and rock type Pokémon. grass type pokémons are strong against water, ground, rock pokémons but weak against fire, grass, poison, flying, bug, dragon pokémons. rock type pokémons are strong against fire, flying, bug pokémons but weak against water, grass pokémons.
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