
About Anorith

Anorith is said to be a type of Pokémon predecessor, with eight wings at the sides of its body. This Pokémon swam in the primordial sea by undulating these eight wings. A Pokémon ancestor that was reanimated from a fossil. It lived in the sea and hunted with claws. It is a kind of Pokémon progenitor. It uses its extending claws to catch prey hiding among rocks on the seafloor.

Pokédex entry #347

TYPE bugrock
COLOR gray
HEIGHT 0.7 m WEIGHT 12.5 kg health45speed75attack95defense50special attack40special defense50

Anorith Evolution

Anorith is a type bug and rock Pokémon that evolves first into armaldo.

Anorith in Pokémon GO

It's possible to hatch Anorith from an egg?

No, Anorith can't be hatched.

How many CP would Anorith have after evolving?

If you’ve catched a Anorith and you want to know how many points it would have after evolving, use this evolution calculator and find out easily. You just need to write your Bulbasaur CP and then click “Evolve”.

Which are Anorith’s strengths and weaknesses?

Anorith is a bug and rock type Pokémon. bug type pokémons are strong against grass, poison, psychic pokémons but weak against fire, fighting, flying, ghost pokémons. rock type pokémons are strong against fire, flying, bug pokémons but weak against water, grass pokémons.

Anorith is STRONG against...
Anorith is WEAK against...

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