
About Vespiquen

Its abdomen is a honeycomb for grubs. It raises its grubs on honey collected by Combee. Its abdomen is a honeycomb for grubs. It raises its grubs on honey collected by Combee. It houses its colony in cells in its body and releases various pheromones to make those grubs do its bidding.

Pokédex entry #416

TYPE bugflying
COLOR yellow
HEIGHT 1.2 m WEIGHT 38.5 kg health70speed40attack80defense102special attack80special defense102

Vespiquen Evolution

Vespiquen is a type bug and flying Pokémon that evolves from combee.

Vespiquen in Pokémon GO

It's possible to hatch Vespiquen from an egg?

No, Vespiquen can't be hatched.

Which are Vespiquen’s strengths and weaknesses?

Vespiquen is a bug and flying type Pokémon. bug type pokémons are strong against grass, poison, psychic pokémons but weak against fire, fighting, flying, ghost pokémons. flying type pokémons are strong against grass, fighting, bug pokémons but weak against electric, rock pokémons.

Vespiquen is STRONG against...
Vespiquen is WEAK against...

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