
About Wormadam

When Burmy evolved, its cloak became a part of this Pokémon’s body. The cloak is never shed. When Burmy evolved, its cloak became a part of this Pokémon’s body. The cloak is never shed. Its appearance changes depending on where it evolved. The materials on hand become a part of its body.

Pokédex entry #413

TYPE buggrass
COLOR green
HEIGHT 0.5 m WEIGHT 6.5 kg health60speed36attack59defense85special attack79special defense105

Wormadam Evolution

Wormadam is a type bug and grass Pokémon that evolves from burmy.

Wormadam in Pokémon GO

It's possible to hatch Wormadam from an egg?

No, Wormadam can't be hatched.

Which are Wormadam’s strengths and weaknesses?

Wormadam is a bug and grass type Pokémon. bug type pokémons are strong against grass, poison, psychic pokémons but weak against fire, fighting, flying, ghost pokémons. grass type pokémons are strong against water, ground, rock pokémons but weak against fire, grass, poison, flying, bug, dragon pokémons.

Wormadam is STRONG against...
Wormadam is WEAK against...

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