About Cacnea
The more arid and harsh the environment, the more pretty and fragrant a flower Cacnea grows. This Pokémon battles by wildly swinging its thorny arms. It prefers harsh environments such as deserts. It can survive for 30 days on water stored in its body. It lives in arid locations. Its yellow flowers bloom once a year.
Pokédex entry #331
Cacnea Evolution
Cacnea in Pokémon GO
It's possible to hatch Cacnea from an egg?
Yes, Cacnea it's a Pokémon that can be hatched from an egg. Cacnea can be hatched from a 5km egg.
How many CP would Cacnea have after evolving?
If you’ve catched a Cacnea and you want to know how many points it would have after evolving, use this evolution calculator and find out easily. You just need to write your Bulbasaur CP and then click “Evolve”.
Which are Cacnea’s strengths and weaknesses?
Cacnea is a grass type Pokémon. grass type pokémons are strong against water, ground, rock pokémons but weak against fire, grass, poison, flying, bug, dragon pokémons.
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