
About nidoran-f

Nidoran♀ has barbs that secrete a powerful poison. They are thought to have developed as protection for this small-bodied Pokémon. When enraged, it releases a horrible toxin from its horn. Small and very docile, it protects itself with its small, poisonous horn when attacked. Although small, its venomous barbs render this Pokémon dangerous. The female has smaller horns.

Pokédex entry #29

TYPE poison
SPECIE Poison Pin
COLOR blue
HEIGHT 0.4 m WEIGHT 7 kg health55speed41attack47defense52special attack40special defense40

nidoran-f Evolution

nidoran-f is a type poison Pokémon that evolves first into nidorina and then into nidoqueen.

nidoran-f in Pokémon GO

It's possible to hatch nidoran-f from an egg?

Yes, nidoran-f it's a Pokémon that can be hatched from an egg. nidoran-f can be hatched from a 5km egg.

Which pokémons can you get from a 5km hatched egg? [+]

How many CP would nidoran-f have after evolving?

If you’ve catched a nidoran-f and you want to know how many points it would have after evolving, use this evolution calculator and find out easily. You just need to write your Bulbasaur CP and then click “Evolve”.

Which are nidoran-f’s strengths and weaknesses?

nidoran-f is a poison type Pokémon. poison type pokémons are strong against grass, bug, fairy pokémons but weak against poison, ground, rock, ghost pokémons. They are not affected by steel type pokémons.

nidoran-f is STRONG against...
nidoran-f is WEAK against...

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