
Its double tail fins propel its energetic jumps.
When it breaks the surface of the sea, Wingull
swoop down to grab it on the fly. The line running down its side can store sunlight.
It shines vividly at night. After long exposure to sunlight, the patterns on its
tail fins shine vividly when darkness arrives.



Geekno: "Amy Pond, there's something you'd better understand about me 'cause it's important, and one day your life may depend on it: I am definitely a mad man with a box!"

Its double tail fins propel its energetic jumps.
When it breaks the surface of the sea, Wingull
swoop down to grab it on the fly. The line running down its side can store sunlight.
It shines vividly at night. After long exposure to sunlight, the patterns on its
tail fins shine vividly when darkness arrives.

