
It inflates the flotation sac around its neck and
pokes its head out of the water to see what is
going on. It inflates the flotation sac around its neck and
pokes its head out of the water to see what is
going on. It swims by rotating its two tails like a screw.
When it dives, its flotation sac collapses.



Geekno: "Amy Pond, there's something you'd better understand about me 'cause it's important, and one day your life may depend on it: I am definitely a mad man with a box!"

It inflates the flotation sac around its neck and
pokes its head out of the water to see what is
going on. It inflates the flotation sac around its neck and
pokes its head out of the water to see what is
going on. It swims by rotating its two tails like a screw.
When it dives, its flotation sac collapses.

